• You Set the Level

WhiteBIT is one of the largest crypto-to-fiat exchanges in Europe. We offer various products and tools to suit experienced traders and new market entrants. Sign up and take part in this journey with us!

WhiteBIT Products

WhiteBIT provides a comprehensive suite of trading tools that enable efficient buying, selling, and exchanging of cryptocurrencies and opportunities to earn passive income

  1. Spot TradingSpot TradingIt allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrency at the current market price, offering a low-risk entry point into trading on the market.Trade Now
  2. WhiteBIT TokenRecommendWhiteBIT TokenWBT is a native exchange token that offers users a wide range of special bonuses and privileges.Buy WBTOverview
  3. Futures TradingRecommendFutures TradingDon’t look into the future. Trade it! It enables individuals to open long or short positions at a predetermined future price without owning the underlying asset, with a leverage of up to 100x.Trade NowOverview
  4. Crypto BorrowCrypto BorrowIt allows users to borrow specific cryptocurrencies for any term and use them for trading, transfers, or withdrawals.Overview
  5. Quick ExchangeQuick ExchangeIt is a fast crypto converter, which exchanges crypto for crypto, national currencies for cryptos, and vice versa. Select the desired assets and specify the amount for conversion.Exchange
  6. Margin TradingMargin TradingIt is a powerful tool for advanced users. With leverage of up to 20x, you can amplify your trading potential and take advantage of market movements.Trade with Leverage
  7. WhiteBIT EarnRecommendWhiteBIT EarnIt allows users to earn passive income by lending their crypto. Select a plan, choose a holding period, and decide the number of assets to hold. By doing so, you can watch income grow hassle-free.Choose Your Plan

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WhiteBIT provides a comprehensive suite of trading tools that enable efficient buying, selling, and exchanging of cryptocurrencies and opportunities to earn passive income

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